CREATE Director Chairs the Publications Award Committee for the Decision Analysis Society at INFORMS

CREATE Director, Dr. Ali Abbas, serves as Chair for the prestigious 2014 Decision Analysis Society Publications Award along with committee members, Jim Dyer and David Budescu. After receiving 16 submissions of excellent projects, a new level of challenge was set that brought vigor to the INFORMS Conference.

Congratulations Manel Baucells and Rakesh Sarin for your book: Engineering Happiness, 2012. University of California Press.

Ali Abbas presents the 2014 Publication Finalist Award to Manel Baucells and Franz H. Heukamp.

Ali Abbas presents the 2014 Publication Finalist Award to Manel Baucells and Franz H. Heukamp.

Ali Abbas presents the 2014 Publication Finalist Award to Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr. and Samuel E. Bodily.

Ali Abbas presents the 2014 Publication Finalist Award to Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr. and Samuel E. Bodily.

Ali Abbas presents the 2014 Publication Award to Manel Baucells and Rakesh Sarin.

Ali Abbas presents the 2014 Publication Award to Manel Baucells and Rakesh Sarin.

Ali Abbas enjoys DAS Social with Guest of Honor, Creator of Decision Analysis, and personal mentor, Ron Howard.

Ali Abbas enjoys DAS Social with Guest of Honor, Creator of Decision Analysis, and personal mentor, Ron Howard.