Post Date:
Friday, July 29, 2016
CREATE post-doc Zhenhua Chen has accepted a position as an assistant professor of City and Regional Planning in the Knowlton School of Architecture at The Ohio State University in the Fall of 2016. He will also be a faculty affiliate of the Sustainable and Resilient Economy Program. Dr. Chen is completing his second year at CREATE, where he has played a key role on several projects, most notably on the development of the Economic Consequence Analysis Tool (E-CAT), which transitioned many years of CREATE research into a user-friendly software system that can rapidly generate estimates of the impacts of a broad range of threats to the US economy. Dr. Chen received his PhD in Public Policy from George Mason University prior to coming to USC.
Dr. Chen’s success in receiving an appointment at a major research university is the latest in a long line of similar appointments by former CREATE post-docs and students:
Former CREATE post-doc Misak Avetysian was appointed assistant professor of Economics at Texas Tech University in 2014. Dr. Avetysian received his PhD from Purdue University.
Former CREATE post-doc Onur Bakir was appointed Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering at Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, Turkey in 2014.
Former CREATE research assistant and Price School PhD Noah Dormady was appointed assistant professor in the John Glenn School (now College) at Ohio State University in 2012.
Former CREATE summer research assistant Ryan Garcia is now Assistant Professor, Defense Resources Management Institute, Naval Postgraduate School.
Former CREATE research assistant, Price School PhD, and CREATE post-doc Bumsoo Lee was appointed assistant professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Illinois in 2008, and recently attained tenure there.
Former CREATE research assistant, Price School PhD, and CREATE post-doc Jiyoung Park was appointed assistant professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University at Buffalo in 2008, and recently attained tenure there.
Former CREATE research assistant, Price School PhD, and CREATE post-doc Fynnwin Prager was appointed assistant professor of Public Administration at California State University Dominguez Hills in 2015. The position reflected his commitment to teaching at a minority student-based institution and his preference for a Southern California location.
Former CREATE Research Assistant and CREATE post-doc Heather Rosoff is now a Research Assistant Professor at the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.
Other junior researchers affiliated with CREATE have fared well in your career development as well:
Dan Wei served as a member of the CREATE economics research team as a Price School post-doc upon coming to USC in 2007, and more recently has been appointed research assistant professor in that school and has become a formal CREATE affiliate. She received her PhD in Geography from Penn State University.
Wei Xie spent a semester at CREATE in 2013 as a visiting scholar while a PhD student in Disaster Risk Science at Beijing Normal University. He recently received his PhD and was appointed assistant professor in the Department of Geography at Peking University.