CREATE-USCG Maritime Risk Symposium

The University of Southern California’s (USC) National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) partnered with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) Area Commands in the first symposium/workshop focused on the risk and economic assessment and risk management methodologies applicable in the maritime domain. USCG Headquarters and Research and Development (R&D) Center personnel working in the relevant field participated in the event.

The symposium/workshop included traditional lectures and presentations, panel session discussions with experts, and hands-on exercises in decision-making. This invitation-only event was held on the campus of USC and the BSU San Pedro. Participants will include representatives from DHS, Army Corp of Engineers, FBI, FEMA, HSI, MORS, NPS, the Ports of LA/LB, BAH, ABS, NORTHCOM and SOUTHCOM.


Evaluate risk and economic consequence assessment methodologies and tools, assessment results, and policy implications and impacts, focused on the Maritime Domain. How can academia and government approach this issue together?