Principal Investigator: Robin Dillon-Merrill
Other Researchers: Gary M. Shiffman, Genevieve Lester, Dan Byman, Jennifer E. Sims, Nicolle Sciara-Rippeon, Jacob Shapiro, Eli Berman
The research at Georgetown has focused on two specific projects: Terrorist Risk Factors and The Perception of Terrorist Events and the Influence of the Near-Miss. The first project, Terrorist Risk Factors (TRF) is led by Gary Shiffman, Director, Homeland Security Studies, CPASS, Georgetown University, in collaboration with Eli Berman, IGCC, University of California. The TRF project is working to develop innovative and original methodologies for assessing risk in homeland security environments. The project is working on outreach to subject matter expert communities, both on the law enforcement/civil as well as military/intelligence communities, writing and editing a journal article for submission to peer-reviewed journals, and mentoring graduate students