Congratulations to CREATE Post-Doctoral Researcher Fynn Prager

Fynn Prager

CREATE Postdoctoral Research Associate Fynn Prager will be joining California State University, Dominguez Hills as an Assistant Professor in Public Administration in Fall 2015. The College of Business and Public Policy is developing a disaster management teaching and research program in which Fynn will take an active role. He will also be involved in numerous research opportunities in established programs, such as the AltaSea project at the Port of LA.

Fynn Prager has been a post-doc at CREATE since August 2013, but has worked with the Center as a graduate research assistant since 2007. He received his PhD in Policy, Planning and Development from the Price School, and his research has focused on the policy and economics of disasters, particularly environmental and terrorism policy, and the impacts on regional economies and transportation systems.

In the area of homeland security, Fynn has published studies on the London 2005 Bombings with Detlof von Winterfeldt, transportation system resilience with Adam Rose, and a hypothetical flu outbreak with Heather Rosoff and Richard John. He is also currently working on various projects in the Economic Assessment area, using Computable General Equilibrium modeling to analyze the economic impacts of various DHS policy initiatives.