On November 18, 2004, CREATE hosted its first public conference, ‘Reducing the Risks and Consequences of Terrorism’. Guest speakers and CREATE researchers provided critical knowledge to Homeland Security leaders in an era of new threats by presenting methods for risk assessment, emergency response, and economic modeling. Interactive software was also demonstrated. The objective of this conference was to provide a constructive and cooperative forum for public and private interests in the nation’s security to come together, exchange ideas and plan for the future. Attendees included local government agencies, the defense and aerospace industry, the media, and scientists engaged in homeland security-related research.
Guest Speakers included:
- John Miller, Los Angeles Police Department, Critical Incident Management Bureau Chief
- Mayor James Hahn, City of Los Angeles
- Jack Riley, Director, RAND Homeland Security Center
- Bill Colston, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Biodefense Knowledge Center
- Erroll Southers, Office of the Governor of California, Deputy Director of the Office of Homeland Security
- Chris Bellavita, Director of Academic Programs, Naval Postgraduate School
Software Demonstrations included:
- Coherent Analytical Computing Environment, Information Sciences Institute
- Robotics Demonstrations, Computer Science
- 3-D Face Modeling and Recognition, Computer Science
- Speech-to-Speech Translation, Integrated Media Systems Center
- Geospatial Data Fusion, Computer Science and Information Sciences Institute
- DETER, Information Sciences Institute
- Simulation-based Analysis of Aviation Security, Information Sciences Institute
- Agent-based Simulations for Disaster Rescue, Computer Science and Integrated Media Systems Center