CREATE Fellows Program

CREATE fellows are researchers whose scholarship has contributed to the understanding of risk, behavioral, economic and decision analysis of threats and emergencies that jeopardize lives and livelihood, or jeopardize the environment. Fellows conduct research on threats that are malevolent in origin (e.g., terrorism), as well as unintentional accidents and naturally occurring disasters.


The designations CREATE Fellow and CREATE Senior Fellow honor the contributions of researchers who participate in CREATE through intellectual and collegial interaction.

CREATE Senior Fellow is a designation reserved for faculty of high stature whose extensive research record aligns with CREATE’s mission, and who hold (or previously held) an appointment of full professor (or equivalent) at USC or elsewhere.

CREATE Fellow is a designation for faculty who have contributed to research aligned with CREATE’s mission and have a growing and promising research record. Fellows typically hold appointments as assistant or associate professor at USC or elsewhere.

Roles of CREATE Fellows and CREATE Senior Fellows

CREATE offers Fellows and Senior Fellows outlets for disseminating research and opportunities to connect with the Department of Homeland Security. Fellows collaborate in CREATE sponsored symposia, seminars and research projects, and may access research data and mentor students through CREATE. Fellows may also work with CREATE to obtain sponsored research funding, in which case their work on the project is conducted within their home institution.

Fellows and Senior Fellows are honorary titles carrying no obligation to perform work for CREATE. The designations do not provide compensation, though fellows may separately benefit from compensation derived from sponsored research projects.

Appointment of Fellows

Fellows are appointed by the CREATE Director to two year renewable terms, upon recommendation of the CREATE Fellows Advisory Committee. The committee shall consist of at least three USC faculty who have contributed to CREATE research. Nominations for appointment as Fellow or Senior Fellow can be made by any existing fellow, and shall include a cover letter describing the contributions of the nominee and a C.V.