
Research by CREATE affiliated scholars serves as a foundation for further advances throughout the broader research community

  • 2019
    • Advances in Spatial and Economic Modeling of Disaster Impacts

      This book presents essential advances in analytical frameworks and tools for modeling the spatial and economic impacts of disasters. In the wake of natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti Earthquake, and the East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, as well as major terrorist attacks, the book analyzes disaster impacts from various perspectives, including resilience, space-time extensions, and decision-making strategies, in order to better understand how and to what extent these events impact economies and societies around the world.

      Yasuhide Okuyama, Adam Rose

  • 2018
    • Improving Homeland Security Decisions

      What are the risks of terrorism and what are their consequences and economic impacts? Are we safer from terrorism today than before 9/11? Does the government spend our homeland security funds well? These questions motivated a twelve-year research program of the National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) at the University of Southern California...

      Ali E. Abbas, Milind Tambe and Detlof von Winterfeldt

  • 2017
    • Defining and Measuring Economic Resilience from a Societal, Environmental and Security Perspective

      This volume presents an economic framework for the analysis of resilience in relation to societal, environmental, and personal security perspectives. It offers a rigorous definition of economic resilience and an operational metric, and it shows how they can be applied to measuring and applying the concept to private and public decision making...

      Adam Rose

    • Economic Consequence Analysis of Disasters: The E-CAT Software Tool

      This study develops a methodology for rapidly obtaining approximate estimates of the economic consequences from numerous natural, man-made and technological threats. This software tool is intended for use by various decision makers and analysts to obtain estimates rapidly. It is programmed in Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to facilitate its use...

      Adam Rose, Fynnwin Prager, Zhenhua Chen, Samrat Chatterjee, Dan Wei, Nathaniel Heatwole, Eric Warren

  • 2013
    • Homegrown Violent Extremism

      In the country’s changing threat environment, homegrown violent extremism (HVE) represents the next challenge in counterterrorism. Security and public policy expert Erroll Southers examines post-9/11 HVE – what it is, the conditions enabling its existence, and the community-based approaches that can reduce the risk of homegrown terrorism. Drawing on scholarly insight and more than three decades on the front lines of America’s security efforts...

      Erroll Southers

    • Principles and Standards for Benefit-Cost Analysis

      Benefit-cost analysis informs which policies or programs most benefit society when implemented by governments and institutions around the world. This volume brings together leading researchers and practitioners to recommend strategies and standards to improve the consistency and credibility of such analyses, assisting analysts of all types in achieving a greater uniformity of practice.

      Scott Farrow, Richard O. Zerbe

  • 2011
    • Security and Game Theory: Algorithms, Deployed Systems, Lessons Learned

      Global threats of terrorism, drug-smuggling, and other crimes have led to a significant increase in research on game theory for security. Game theory provides a sound mathematical approach to deploy limited security resources to maximize their effectiveness. A typical approach is to randomize security schedules to avoid predictability, with the randomization using artificial intelligence techniques to take into account the importance of different targets and potential adversary reactions.

      Milind Tambe

  • 2009
  • 2007
    • Advances in Decision Analysis: From Foundations to Applications

      Decision analysis is a prescriptive theory that aids individuals or groups confronted with complex problems in a wide variety of contexts. By framing issues, identifying risks, eliciting stakeholder preferences, and suggesting alternative approaches, decision analysts can offer workable solutions in domains such as the environment, health and medicine, engineering and operations research, and public policy.

      Ward Edwards, Ralph F. Miles Jr., Detlof von Winterfeldt

  • 2006
    • The Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks

      Based on an August 2004 conference held at the University of Southern California, this collection comprises 14 papers that assess the economic costs of national protection and the potential economic damage from certain types of terrorist attacks. Several of the papers identify the most important channels by which electric power outages impact other infrastructure systems and thereby disrupt cities, their populations, and their economies.

      Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore II

  • 2004