The CREATE Executive Program in Counter-Terrorism was held in Washington D.C. from July 30 to August 4, 2017.

Students enjoyed site visits to various locations including the U.S. State Department, Dulles International Airport,U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the United States Coast Guard. Lecturers included CREATE Director Detlof von Winterfeldt; Matthew Clark, Director, DHS Science & Technology Directorate, Office of University Programs and Boaz Ganor, Founder & Executive Director, International Institute for Counterterrorism As well as Michael Orosz, Research Director, Decision Systems, Viterbi School of Engineering, USC; Ismail Royer; Gwendolyn Skyes, U.S. Secret Service Chief Financial Officer; Michael Duffin, U.S. State Department; Daveed-Gartenstein-Ross, Chief Executive Office of Valens Global; Daniel Gerstein, Senior Policy Research, Rand Corporation and Ehsan Zaffar, Senior Advisor, Office for Civil Rights & Civil Liberties, Department of Homeland Security.