CREATE is committed to high-quality research on important aspects of natural and man-made disasters/threats to the built environment and economy. In the past, its affiliates have completed several important studies that have benefited from interdisciplinary interaction between economists, decision scientists, risk analysts, engineers, and computer scientists. Headquartered at USC and with affiliate researchers throughout the world, CREATE was established with funding from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security but has always been an independent entity under the auspices of both the Price School of Public Policy and Viterbi School of Engineering.
On July 22, 2020, CREATE announced a new initiative to promote the collaboration between junior faculty (assistant and associate professors) involved in research in the Price and Viterbi Schools. This initiative will provide $5,000 of salary (either during the academic year or the summer) for a Viterbi junior faculty member to collaborate with a CREATE researcher from the Price School on an interdisciplinary proposal for external funding.
CREATE researchers have broad interests and welcome suggestions for potential topics, as well as offering topic suggestions of their own. On July 30, a webinar was held for those interested in this opportunity to learn more, to meet our faculty affiliates, and to ask questions; links to those featured presentations are below.