CREATE’s Erroll Southers Selected as New Generation Fellow

Erroll Southers is the Associate Director for educational programs at CREATE and an Adjunct Professor of Terrorism and Public Policy at USC. He is the former deputy director of the California Office of Homeland Security, appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger, and responsible for the oversight of counterterrorism policy and national pilot programs.

As a Next Generation Fellow, Erroll will participate in a three day assembly to examine the current state of international relations through reflective, thoughtful, non-ideological discussions about U.S. foreign policy and international system in the 21st century.

The Next Generation Project: U.S. Global Policy and the Future of International Institutions," continues Dwight D. Eisenhower’s vision when he, as president of Columbia University, founded The American Assembly in 1950. Eisenhower believed that reasonable people who cared about critical national and international issues could develop responsible public policy through the reconciliation of divergent views and interests. The Assembly has carried out Eisenhower’s mandate by sponsoring research on a vast range of topics, domestic and foreign; organizing meetings; issuing reports of findings and recommendations; and by commissioning books. The Assembly has joined hundreds of other educational institutions to co-sponsor regional, state, and local Assemblies throughout the country; international Assemblies have convened in more than a dozen countries.

The Next Generation Project is premised on the belief that new voices and fresh ideas will strengthen the nation’s discussion of U.S. global policy and the future of international institutions. As part of the project, The Assembly will identify emerging leaders from professional and demographic sectors that have traditionally been underrepresented in foreign policy discussions, and bring them together at meetings across the country that will combine The Assembly’s time-tested process with innovative approaches to generate new ideas about U.S. global policy and the future of international institutions; influence discussions about the future of America’s role in the world; and cultivate new policy networks.