CREATE faculty affiliate Adam Rose was an invited seminar speaker at the Cross-Border Institute at the University of Windsor, Ontario Canada, on November 28. Professor Rose summarized the land freight aspects of a comprehensive study of the macroeconomic impacts of changes in wait times at US Ports of Entry undertaken by CREATE researchers for U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
The study found that adding one additional staff member at 17 major land crossings on the northern and southern US borders would lead to a significant increase in overall employment and GDP in in the economies of the U.S. and its two neighboring countries. The Windsor-Detroit border is the location of almost one-quarter of US-Canada land freight trade. The seminar attracted representatives of several regional Chambers of Commerce, major automobile corporations, trucking associations, automotive research centers, security managers of the Ambassador Bridge, and government representatives. Canadians expressed a strong interest in performing a similar study to analyze how that country might further facilitate trade through increased staffing of its own.