Economic Consequence Analysis Tool (E-CAT)


Principal Investigator: Adam Rose

Other Researchers: Fynnwin Prager, Z. Chen, D. Wei, N. Heatwole, Eric Warren, S. Chatterjee 



The purpose of this project is to develop and transition a methodology for rapidly obtaining approximate estimates of the economic consequences from the nearly 40 threats listed in the Homeland Security National Risk Characterization (HSNRC) Risk Register.  The tool is intended for use by various DHS components and offices to obtain estimates almost instantly.  It is programmed in Excel and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to facilitate its use. This tool is called E-CAT (Economic Consequence Analysis Tool) and accounts for the cumulative direct and indirect impacts (including resilience and behavioral factors that significantly affect base estimates) on the national economy from terrorism, natural disasters, and technological accidents. E-CAT is intended to be a major step toward advancing the current state of economic consequence analysis (ECA) across DHS, and also contributing to and developing interest in further research into fast turnaround approaches.