Journal Articles

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Improving figures for climate change communications: Insights from interviews with international policymakers and practitioners

Optimizing the Selection of Mass Vaccination Sites: Access and Equity Consideration

DOI: 10.3390

Partitioning the Expected Value of Countermeasures and an Application to Terrorism CREATE b

Socioeconomic Impacts of Resilience to Seaport and Highway Transportation Network Disruption

Testing the Effectiveness of Debiasing Techniques to Reduce Overprecision in the Elicitation of Subjective Continuous Probability Distinctions

Tracking COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the United States: Metrics of Pandemic Progression Derived from a Queueing Framework

The Impacts of the Coronavirus on the Economy of the United States COVID-19, Computable General Equilibrium Modeling Economics of Disasters and Climate Change

Relationships Between Initial COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Protective Health Behaviors: A National Survey

Building preparedness in response to active shooter incidents: Results of focus group interviews

Economic Consequence Analysis of Electric Power Infrastructure Disruptions: An Analytical General Equilibrium Approach Electricity Disruptions, Analytical General Equilibrium Modelling, Reliability, Resilience SSRN

ARMOR: Assistant for Randomized Monitoring Over Routes ARMOR...