CREATE is happy to announce Terrie Walmsley is joining us as a CREATE Research Fellow. Dr. Walmsley is a Visiting Professor in USC’s Economics Department and the Chief Economist at ImpactECON LLC, a firm that provides global economic analysis to government and non-governmental organizations around the world.
Dr. Walmsley received her Ph.D. from Monash University, Australia in 1999. After a short post-doc at Purdue University, she became a lecturer at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom in 2000, where she began her research into the impacts of China’s accession to the World Trade Organisation. (WTO). During this time, she also began work with Sussex University Professor Alan Winters to examine the impact of the temporary movement of natural persons (mode 4) for the Commonwealth Secretariat; later developing the first bilateral global migration database for the UK’s Department for International Development and the World Bank.
In 2003, Dr. Walmsley returned to the Center for Global Trade Analysis (GTAP) at Purdue University as an Assistant Research Professor. In 2004 she became the Director responsible for overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the Center, including the release of the GTAP Data Base, courses, graduate student supervision, model development, research projects, and funding. During this time, Dr. Walmsley also wrote a book with Dr. Elena Ianchovichina (World Bank) documenting the Dynamic GTAP model and led several capacity-building projects in Africa for the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the European Commission and the World Bank.
As part of these capacity-building efforts, the MyGTAP modeling framework was developed by Dr. Walmsley and Peter Minor (ImpactECON) to facilitate analysis of the impact of economic policies on the incomes and consumption patterns of different households within a country. This framework has since been used by Dr. Walmsley and her colleagues to examine the impact of oil subsidies on poor households in Nigeria and trade liberalization on income inequality in Pakistan. In 2013, Dr. Walmsley also built the first GTAP supply-chain database, which was used to examine the impact of natural disasters on global supply chains, with Purdue University Professors Thomas Hertel and David Hummels, for the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Since joining ImpactECON in 2014, Dr. Walmsley has undertaken several projects examining the implications of the recent US trade actions on China for US employment, reversing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on supply chains, and various mega trade deals on the world economy. In early 2016, the World Bank featured Dr. Walmsley’s analysis of alternative global growth scenarios in its Vietnam 2035 publication, along with analysis of the impacts of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and state-owned enterprise reforms. Dr. Walmsley has also been involved in the development of the OECD’s METRO model, incorporating dynamics, willingness to pay and migration. In 2015, Dr. Walmsley was inducted into the GTAP Hall of Fame for her contributions to the GTAP network and modeling.
Currently, Dr. Walmsley is involved in research to improve the modelling and estimation of non-tariff measures and improved customs procedures with several colleagues and continues to improve upon the global supply-chain model and database. Recently, Dr. Walmsley also started research into China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the implication of the BRI for economic growth, trade, income inequality and the environment in the countries it will traverse.
Dr. Walmsley’s expertise in the areas of international trade and CGE modeling will be a major asset to CREATE’s future research. This will build on recent CREATE studies for US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on reducing wait times at U.S. border crossings, Priority Trade Issues (free trade agreements, anti-dumping tariffs, intellectual property rights), Centers for, and immigration from Central America’s Northern Triangle. CREATE’s advances in economic consequences of and resilience to terrorism and natural disasters, especially with the application of CGE models.